januari 17, 2025

New milestone: Over 9000 items collected

Yes is sounds incredible in just 18 months the collection grew another 1000 items! 2011 again is a record breaking year for growing the collection. I like to say thanks to all the people that contributed to our collection. They brought gum from New York/USA, Indonesia, United Kingdom, Turkey, Dominican Republic, Croatia, Cuba, China, Switzerland, Mexico, Serbia, Finland, Czech Republic and Egypt. Can you help us growing? Please feel free to contact us.

Visit to Gumlink Inspiratorium

October, 22 we visited the Gumlink Inspiratorium. This historical exhibition was especially opened for us and we got a warm welcome. A wide range of products are displayed in combination with company highlights and other memorabilia like posters, commercials, the founder’s desk, and vending machines. Even one panel mentioned the special relations of Stimorol to the Netherlands. The holidays in Denmark resulted in 158 new items in the collection.

Visit Gumlink Inspiratorium 2009

Project Imaging Completed

August 2008 We started the project Imaging. During the fall, winter and spring all items (over 7000)in the collection are photographed. It was an immense job and I’m glad it’s done. Now only new items will be photographed when added to the collection.