Visitors in 2014
In 2014 we had 5382 visits by 4483 visitors from 135 countries. As you can see in the image below all continents are well served but Africa stay behind a little.

– Serious Gum Collecting –
In 2014 we had 5382 visits by 4483 visitors from 135 countries. As you can see in the image below all continents are well served but Africa stay behind a little.
Dec 31 we received an unexpected package from Germany. What a great way to close 2014. Thank you very much for your generosity! Take a close look to the special packaging with the metal postcards or the 4×10 pellet packaging in gold for Airwaves. Click here for all new items in 2014.
We got another big donation as a result of an exchange with Amcor Tobacco Packaging Lachine Canada. Amcor is a global leader in responsible global packaging solutions supplying a broad range of rigid & flexible packaging products. Thank you so much! Click here for more images of the collection.